domingo, 15 de febrero de 2015


Cambridge English: Preliminary, también conocido como Preliminary English Test (PET), es un examen de nivel intermedio. Certifica que eres capaz de utilizar sus competencias lingüísticas en inglés para trabajar, para estudiar y para viajar.
Con la equiparación de los estudios superiores en Europa,tendrás que certificar tu nivel de inglés a la hora de optar al mercado laboral y al terminar una carrera universitaria.
Creo en ti y en tus posibilidades,sólo necesitas entrenamiento.Para empezar te muestro un esquema sobre las partes de este examen y después un link donde podrás ver los tipos de ejercicios que hay que realizar:

(% of total)
Reading and Writing
(1 hour 30 minutes)
5 parts/
35 questions
3 parts/
7 questions
50%Shows you can read and understand the main points from signs, newspapers and magazines, and can use vocabulary and structure correctly.
(30 minutes,
plus 6 minutes' transfer time)
4 parts/
25 questions
25%You have to be able to follow and understand a range of spoken materials including announcements and discussions about everyday  life.
(10–12 minutes per pair of candidates)
4 parts25%Shows how good your spoken English is as you take part in conversation by asking/answering questions and talking, for example, about your likes and dislikes. Your Speaking test will be conducted face to face with one or two other candidates and two examiners. This makes your test more realistic and more reliable.
En este enlace podrás ver los diferentes tipos de ejercicios en cada una de las partes en  información para candidatos.

Después práctica y estudio, práctica y estudio ....más práctica y más estudio


 Online PET EXAM   just follow the instructions and practise :


Here you'll find information about the exam, practice tests, vocabulary exercises and grammar activities to help you succeed in your exam preparation. Come back regularly as we'll be adding more  materials every week  PET SAMPLES.

To prepare this part see also Vocabulary topics and Grammar explanations.

 How can I improve my listening skills?
Try listening to real people speaking. You can find many different things to listen to online on websites and you may find it easier to watch videos so that you can see the person speaking at the same time as listening to them. You could
listen to:

  • videos on the Cambridge English TV  YouTube channel
  • the recordings in the balloon burst game in Funland
  • News, dramas and documentaries on English TV channels
  • sample chapters from Cambridge University Press graded readers 
  • epIsodes of a drama called The Flatmates on the BBC World Service website (you can find worksheets to go with these episodes too.
To prepare this part see also HOW TO PASS PET SPEAKING PART

In this link you'll print exercises for the exam PRINTABLE EXAMS