Le cinéma est fantastic!!! Fais le WEBQUEST.
*Proceed to the following website:
*Once there click through the pages of movies presented.
*Choose 5 (at least 3 from France).
*Go to the pages specific to each of those movies.
*Watch the preview and read the summary.
(If no preview is available, choose a different movie.)
*While looking through the page for each movie and complete :
Click on
the Fiche détaillée for each film and record the following information, plus a
one sentence summary of the plot in your own words.
Film 1
Pays: ___________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________DEVOIR INDIVIDUEL
Choisi un film de la liste:
list of French films available at the library:
- 1 Bienvenue chez les ch'tis
- 2La bataille d'Alger
- 3L'emploi du temps
- La guerre est déclarée
- 5.Mon pire cauchemar
- 6 La règle du jeu
- 7. Le nom des gens
- 8. Les femmes du 6ème étage
- 9. L'heure d'été
- 10. Un baiser s'il vous plait
- 11. La grande vadrouille
- 12. La prise de pouvoir par Louis XIV
- 13. Entre les murs
- 14. La vierge
- 15. Un conte de noël
- 16. Les sentiments
- 17. Lady Chatterley
- 18. Germinal
- 19. Astérix & Obélix
- 20. Les rois maudits
- 21. La femme d'à côté
- 22. Le placard
- 23. Cyrano de Bergerac
- 24. Le colonel Chabert
- 25. Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain
- 26. Ma nuit chez Maud
- 27. Joyeux Noel
- 28. Gazon maudit
- 29. Molière
- 30. La commune
- 31. La belle et la bête
- 32. La terre
- 33. Les liaisons dangereuses 1960
- 34. L'argent de poche
- 35. Est-Ouest
- 36. Lucie Aubrac
- 37. Bye-bye
- 38. Dans la maison
- 39. Camille Redouble
- 40. La vie ne me fait pas peur
- 41. Oublie-moi
Directions:Un film que t'intéresse et complètes cet information:
Technical Information:
Country of
Main actors
(and roles played)
1. Why did you decide to watch this
film ?
2. What was your favorite scene? Why?
3. What was your least favorite scene?
4. Who was your favorite character?
5. Who was your least favorite
character? Why?
6. Provide a detailed summary, in your
own words, about what happened in the movie.
7. Did you enjoy watching the movie?
Why or why not?
8. Would you recommend this movie to your
friends? Why or why not?
Directions: Allocine.fr has asked you to write
a brief critique of the film that you watched for step four of the Webquest.
Below are the guidelines that they have asked you to follow in writing your
critique. (You can use any assignment completed in this Webquest to assist you
in this critique)
We need a critique that is between
300 and 350 words. In this critique please include a brief summary of the movie, including technical information about
the film, as well as your opinion
about the movie and your recommendations
for other movie goers. This is not just a summary, but a critique as well.
Please do not forget that this needs to be a coherent paragraph typed in 12pt
font, Times New Roman and double spaced. We look forward to reading your critique.