martes, 10 de marzo de 2015
miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015
To more practise about WRITING
To practise writing PET parts
domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015
The History of Rock and Roll Final Project

Rock and Roll
Choose an artist you would like
to research and present to the class.
It can
be someone who is currently performing
today or someone from the past.
If you would like to work with a partner, you may do so. However, there are a few more steps you will need to add to your project.
Choose an artist/band and give this information to Chelo through Educamos BEFORE next Thursday 5th March.

Your task
is to create a Powerpoint presentation that highlights your
artist. Your
grade on this project will
be based on the quality and
information presented on your
powerpoint as well as your
presentation to the class. This project is worth 200 points.

Look up the following
information and save it on paper or in a Word Doc.
1. Date of birth (and death if they are in the past) If you are studying a group, list each member and what date the band got together.
Where did he/she/they grow up? (If you are
studying a group, list where
the group met.)
What genre would you categorize
them in? (some may be a combination of several)
Here are some examples:
Rock – Hard Rock, Progressive Rock, Metal, Alternative, Singer/Songwriter Alternative – Punk, Grunge,
Indie Rock
Blues – Contemporary Blues
Country – Country Gospel,
Bluegrass, Contemporary Country Metal
Rhythm and Blues Band (Jazz)
Country and Western
5. Choose 3 of the following questions to answer. Choose 6 questions if you are working with a partner.

(Please use these websites with caution.
If you come across questionable material, please notify your teacher.)
If you have trouble finding information, you MAY want to try wikipedia.
However, you must state that your information is from wikipedia and is not completely reliable.
Wikipedia is a good place to get opinions on what genres and influences that your artist may have. It is not a good place to get facts, such as history.
Open up Powerpoint and create the following presentation:
Slide 1 Band Title and Picture(s) Slide 2 Answers to questions
1 & 2
Slide 3 Answers
to questions 3 & 4
Slide 4-6 Answers to chosen questions (Question #5) (3 extra slides if working
with a partner)
Slide 9 Why did you choose this artist? (Give a few good reasons.) Slide 10 Video or Audio Link & SITE ALL SOURCES
(If you are working
with a partner, you will have 13 slides at this point. You will also need to
add a 14th slide with one of the following:
An online quiz for us to take
as a class
Information from an interview
(written or on audio/video)
Information on charity work
your artist does
Information on his/her family
life (or choose a main member from your group to research)
Information on an upcoming
album or tour they are doing
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